Tagged: olivia


Exact Change Only

Someone wasn’t too pleased to encounter the new Gov. William J. LePetomane Thruway toll booth with no dimes.


Crafty Goodness

We couldn’t attend Easter festivities today, but we tried to make the most of things by being crafty with good old egg dying and rock painting.


Li’l Sicky

She’s felt puny for the last 24 hours, so this was the only outside activity we could muster today.


Stir Crazy

Who knew making popcorn could be so hilarious? * This is a Video *


Wearing Shade

‘Why is there a napkin on your head?’ ‘Because I needed some shade.’


Li’l Bookworm

She did it! Six months of diligently marking each book she read. (SLCL’s 1000 books before Kindergarten)


Stop It

These two loved this little stop sign and each other today.


World Eagle Day II

A highlight of World Eagle Day was giving a donation to a white-necked raven at the end of the eagle show. And of course we drove through Lone Elk Park and saw a ‘lone elk’!