Tagged: instagram
Valley of Powder
Another great dose of nature this morning at Powder Valley! Went on a little walk and saw one of the most unique caterpillars I’d ever seen. The spicebush caterpillar, sometimes called a ‘snake mimic’, and it’s easy to see why!...
Birds & Fountains
Yet another full and fun summer day! World Bird Sanctuary and Lone Elk Park this morning where we saw tons of cool birds and furry animals and also where Olivia just hauled off and did the monkey bars unassisted for...
Food Truck Friday Necessities
Fan and ice block. Necessary accessories on a hot night at Food Truck Friday. And, of course, lawn chair goofiness.
Busman’s Special
Beautiful day to take in a game at Baseball Heaven! Seats in the shade, yummy snacks, great view, and a winner!
Serendipitous Aunting
My oldest niece, Soraya, was on a high school trip and their last stop was St. Louis! We were able to meet up at Kiener Plaza just before they left! The rest of us then hung out at the Arch...
Donut Day 2018
St. Louis style Donut day celebration at Schnucks and a hot but successful morning at Grant’s Farm with friends!