Tagged: anne


The Best Christmas Pageant Ever?

Olivia and I went to see ‘The Best Christmas Pageant Ever’ at Missouri Baptist University today. It was wonderful! That book has forever been a favorite and I always cry when the reality of the Christmas story clicks for Imogene...


Well Timed Sickness

Our snow day pics look a bit different than everyone else’s… Sick day over here.


First Day of School

Well, she’s off! And with no tears! Looking forward to a great year at Kindergarten!


Summer at the Gardens

We spent a lot of Tuesday mornings at the Botanical Garden this summer with these sweet friends. Our last one today was a tad rainy, but still so fun! Can’t wait til we can do this again next summer, or...


Li’l Reader

Spent over an hour yesterday snuggled up with Olivia and reading her current favorite series, “Owl Diaries”. Always think I’ll remember moments like these, and yet somehow some memories fade away. Super not cool. So posting to help me remember.


May in Oklahoma

It’s been a wonderful Mother’s Day here in Lawton, OK! Carrie and I were treated to breakfast in bed, then spent a wonderful afternoon at LETRA lake on Fort Sill. Livvy gathered every kind of wildflower “for Mother’s Day” and...


Soggy Baseball

Sometimes you just have to be spontaneous and jump on free tickets to a Cardinals/Cubs game! It was a wet one, but we still had a great time!



Last night she went to bed as a 4 year old (top left pic). Tonight, she went to bed as a 5 year old (bottom left pic). I can’t tell a difference, but she said tonight as I was putting...


Garden of Botany

Beautiful afternoon at the Mo Bot Garden yesterday with Papa. Olivia literally took over 150 pictures of every plant and leaf we passed. Three generations of nature lovers!


Nok Hockey

Learning a fun, new (to us) game! Olivia is pretty good!