Author: Anne


Goat Cones

Love the option of feeding Grant’s Farm adult goats this way as opposed to getting trampled by the hungry baby goats wanting bottles!


Equine Bravery

This little girl straight up rode a horse today! All by herself! She loved every minute of it, and I loved every minute of watching her love it.


Zoo Fun

The fun never ends at the STL Zoo.


PJ’s & RB’s

Pajamas and rain boots are a fun combination!


Li’l Gymnast

Somersaults! She used to flop to the side, but today she went all the way over! So fun. * This is a Video *


Middle Tennessee

Nashville is the perfect city to be halfway between St. Louis and Columbus, GA because it means I got to take a nice driving break and have a fun lunch with the one and only @emilyroig!